Ken's Mart Asian Supermarket
Kikkoman Less Salt Soy Sauce 1L
Kikkoman Less Salt Soy Sauce is a versatile, all-purpose soy sauce that is perfect for any dish. It is made with a blend of soybeans, wheat, and salt, and has a rich, savory flavor that is perfect for adding depth to your favorite recipes.
- 40% less sodium than regular Kikkoman Soy Sauce
- Rich, savory flavor
- Perfect for any dish
Made with a blend of soybeans, wheat, and salt
Lower sodium content is better for your health
Versatile and can be used in a variety of recipes
How to use:
Kikkoman Less Salt Soy Sauce can be used in a variety of ways. It is perfect for:
- Marinating meats and vegetables Stir-frying Dipping
- Adding flavor to soups and stews
Customer reviews:
"I love Kikkoman Less Salt Soy Sauce! It has the same great flavor as regular soy sauce, but with less sodium. I use it in all of my favorite recipes."
"I'm so glad that Kikkoman makes a less salt soy sauce. It's perfect for me because I'm watching my sodium intake. I highly recommend it!"
"I'm a big fan of Kikkoman soy sauce, and I'm really happy with the less salt version. It's just as delicious as the original, but it's healthier for me."
Overall, Kikkoman Less Salt Soy Sauce is a great product for anyone who wants to enjoy the flavor of soy sauce without all the sodium.